Posts Tagged ‘post-traumatic disorder amongst children’

The Cheapening of Real Conditions

July 10, 2012

I know of people who struggle with debilitating depression. It is a complex illness, with many different triggers and dimensions. I imagine that it must frustrate people suffering from depression to read articles like this one:

Violence aired on TV round the clock is causing depression, anxiety and post-traumatic disorder amongst children, according to a senior psychiatrist at the Ziauddin Hospital, Dr Syed Ali Wasif.

 “A child or any other individual who is abruptly exposed to the sound of a cracker or breaking news on a TV channel goes through fear, anxiety, uncertainty and hopelessness,” Dr Wasif told The News on Tuesday.

 “The child can develop depression and post-traumatic disorder. It also affects their educational productivity,” he said.

Are you telling me news is a trigger for depression? How would people suffering from this complex condition feel about that assertion?

The same goes with autism. With the autism spectrum seemingly widening every day, now including cases of such slight autism you wouldn’t be able to detect it if you weren’t alerted to the diagnosis, I feel for those with clear autism. Why should they be pigeonholed with others who have a dramatically easier quality of life and functionality?

If “the sound of a cracker” really is enough to send a child into clinical depression I’ll eat my shoe.

Click on the link to read Schools Have to Wake Up to Confidence Issues Amongst Students

Click on the link to read, Stricken with Self-Doubt